Roadside Markets
Anywhere demand and supply meet there exists a market! This statement could not be more true than in the Philippines. As children come out of the school gates, churchgoers enter and leave church, cars wait for traffic lights to turn - brace yourselves as vendors are a-coming! Hear them shout out—
Thirsty?… A pair of sunglasses for you, Sir? …News, news! … My fruit is the freshest..
Yes, the roadside market in the Philippines has something for everyone. For some, it’s convenient. To others, an assault. But to a cultural observer, it is a scene to behold. You can truly learn a lot about a people by this sort of interactions… with what, when, where, why and how many they buy.
Through this special collection of acrylic and textiles collage-paintings on paper, Paulina gave visitors at the International Meeting of Naïve Artists in Slovenia, a glimpse of the life and realities in the Philippines.