Taga Isla/Island Folks

The Philippine Consulate General in Vancouver presents TAGA ISLA/Island Folks, a collection of paintings by Filipino-Canadian artist Paulina Constancia in celebration of Maritime and Archipelagic Nation Awareness Month (MANA Mo).
Through this exhibition, artist Paulina Constancia invites us to remember our happy times in our coastal environment in the Philippines. Perhaps we recall the beach outings, floating in the sea on innertubes, snorkeling and finding Nemo’s living cousins, cooking and eating ‘sutukil’* fish, island hopping on a bangka (outrigger/pump boat), fishing or buying fish directly from the fisherfolks or collecting shellfish during low tide. If you can’t recall much then perhaps you’ve spent so much time in the mall or binge watching on Netflix or you’ve been sucked into the vortex of social media. You and your family need to make more time to engage with our coastal and archipelagic environment.
Audubon Society says “If we can instill an appreciation for nature in kids when they’re young, it stays with them and they have an affinity for environmental protection and preservation.”
Paulina adds ,“The more we engage with our coastal environment, the more we feel a deep connection with nature, in turn we will understand that it is imperative to revive, protect and preserve our natural heritage for ours and future generations’ sake. Remember we are not separate from nature, we are one. Hurting it is hurting ourselves…
September is Maritime and Archipelagic Nation Awareness Month in the Philippines; moreover, it is also the month when people across the globe come together to take part in InternationalCoastal Clean Up. Let’s do our part, minimize waste and team up locally for coastal cleanup and be part of the solution whether you are in the Philippines or here in Canada.
Here is a little peek into the making of Taga Isla
See the interview with Paulina on Shaw Multicultural TV